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How to add new dashboard page using Javo Directory WordPress theme?

Having trouble in Javo Directory WordPress theme? Currently the PHP class code that manage all the templating system of the Javo Directory WordPress theme. I’ll have a sample code on how to add new dashboard page using Javo Directory WordPress theme.

In my case I’d like the `Add Listing` page to be displayed within dashboard pages. To do that, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Open your functions.php of your current theme and paste the `define` codes below. You need this on the file template path.

define( 'OC_CHILD_APP_PATH', get_stylesheet_directory() );
define( 'OC_CHILD_SYS_DIR', OC_CHILD_APP_PATH."/library");
define( 'OC_CHILD_DSB_DIR', OC_CHILD_SYS_DIR."/dashboard");	

Step 2: Create a sub page `add-listing` using `jvfrm_spot_dashboard_slugs` filters.

add_filter( 'jvfrm_spot_dashboard_slugs', 'ac_jvfrm_spot_dashboard_slugs', 10, 3 );
function ac_jvfrm_spot_dashboard_slugs( $pages ){
	$pages['JVFRM_SPOT_ADD_LISTING_SLUG'] = 'add-listing';
	return $pages;

Step 3: Replace the template directory if the current sub page slug is `add-listing` using `jvfrm_spot_dashboard_custom_template_url`.

add_filter( 'jvfrm_spot_dashboard_custom_template_url', 'ac_jvfrm_spot_dashboard_custom_template_url', 10, 3 );
function ac_jvfrm_spot_dashboard_custom_template_url( $template_url, $query_var ){
	if( $query_var == 'add-listing' ){
		return OC_CHILD_DSB_DIR . '/type-c/mypage-' . get_query_var( 'sub_page' ) . '.php';
	return $template_url;

Step 4: Create a folder path from your child theme my-child-theme > library > dashboard > type-c > mypage-add-listing.php

Step 5: Inside the `mypage-add-listing.php` copy and paste the codes below.


global $jvfrm_spot_curUser, $manage_mypage;
$is_allowed_read = is_user_logged_in() && ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) || jvfrm_spot_getDashboardUser()->ID == get_current_user_id() );

require_once JVFRM_SPOT_DSB_DIR . '/mypage-common-header.php';
get_header( 'mypage' );

<div class="row my-add-listing">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-header"><h4 class="card-title">Add Listing</h4></div>
            <div class="card-block">		
            	<div class="my-add-listing-box text-center"><?php echo do_shortcode( "[lava_directory_form]" ); ?></div>				

get_footer( 'mypage' );

Step 6: Then that’s it. You have the `Add Listing` page within your dashboard page.

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